
  • ESSENTIAL HORSE - $65 pp

    This 50-minute program was created to connect with your horse with a gentle touch and the assistance of essential oils, which provide exquisite fragrances to balance mood, lift spirits, dispel negative emotions, and can help to overcome anxiety and hyperactivity

  • HORSE CONNECTION - $80 for one, or $65 pp with two or more people in a class.

    This 60-minute program is an introduction to horses. Horse care, Body language, safety, and the tools and equipment we use. Horses give us joy and can show us the way back to healing and wellness.

  • CONFIDENT RIDER - $140 1 to 2 people max.

    90-minute class. Knowledge is key to self-assurance. Together we build trust and earn respect while connecting with our horses. We provide you with the tools to find your confidence. What it takes; safety around horses, communicating with your horse before jumping on his or her back, and riding off into the sunset. We instruct you on the basics of riding a horse. This session will help prepare you for your trail ride. Riding horses is always a learning experience no matter your level of experience.

  • THE LITTLES $50 pp - up to five max. Recommended ages 2-6

    This is a 60-minute program and is designed to be fun and educational. Introduction to animal husbandry. Goats, chickens, horses, ponies, donkeys, dogs, cats, and geese, etc.

  • TEEN TEAM BUILDING $100 pp - up to 12 people max.

    This 2-hour program will teach the students to work together in a herd-like mentality and not a pack. What does this mean? We observe and focus on the herd behavior. We learn acceptance, tolerance, follow and lead, respect, responsibility, and work with your herd to keep everyone safe. We encourage this herd-like mentality in life relationships.

  • HEALING OF THE HEART $90 pp – up to 10 people max.

    In this program, we use rescued horses and/or green horses to elicit trust. The horse is a gifted nonverbal communicator. Horses respond to our behavior in an honest and healthy way. By Cultivating our own awareness, we can observe fear, anger, contentment, curiosity, and other emotions, expressed nonverbally by the horse. The messages our horses send in response to our behavior give us feedback in a non-threatening way – allowing insights and finding answers in a physical and emotionally safe environment.